Tuesday, November 13, 2012


  I've never really understood why only one day out of the year is dedicated to soldiers who served in WWI. Although it officially marks the end of WWI (on November 11th, 1918), I think much more should be made of it. As the last of the soldiers of WWI disappear (I think there is only one soldier from the Great War still living in Canada), Remembrance Day's significance has begun to shift to remembering fallen soldiers in WWII. Specifically, Remembrance Day has shifted toward an emphasis on D-Day. The reasoning behind this is probably due to the fact that all Allied countries were represented on some level during this mission (though, the US media in particular tend to focus on D-Day due to the fact that it was pretty much the only meaningful contribution the US made in the European theatre of war during WWII). 
  Regardless, I think it's a great thing. But I also think this "day" should become an entire week of remembrance. Hundreds of millions of people (soldiers and civilians) have died in various wars in the past 100 years. Over 60 million people died in WWII alone, so dedicating an entire week of events and various ceremonies makes far more sense than one day. A week would really put an emphasis on the dedication and sacrifice of not just soldiers who served but civilian casualties caught in the crossfire of war.
  So, talk to your local MP, congressman or others in positions of political power to make this change happen and honour our fallen soldiers and civilians in a much more meaningful way.

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